About Me
Loren Kleinman's nonfiction has appeared in Ms., The New York Times, The New York Daily News, the Huffington Post, Ploughshares, Cosmopolitan, Redbook, Woman's Day, Seventeen, Good Housekeeping, BUST, USA Today, and more. She is the editor of the anthology Indie Authors Naked, which was an Amazon Top 100 bestseller in Journalism in the UK and USA. Kleinman's The Dark Cave Between My Ribs was named one of the best poetry books of 2014 by Entropy Magazine. Her co-edited collection with Amye Archer My Body, My Words (Big Table Publishing), was named one of the "11 New Feminist Books That Could Totally Change Your Year" by Bustle. My Body, My Wordsalso received praise from Hello Giggles, BUST, Pop Sugar, WOW! Women on Writing,The Brooklyn Rail and more. Her short film, Suffering Is the Easy Part, directed and produced by Jaime Ekkens, is distributed by Seed&Spark and Docademia.